Thursday, January 17, 2008

The Difference - Demo 2004

The Difference - Demo 2004

The Difference were a four piece punk band from Virginia Beach, VA. Unfortunately, the band was a short-lived venture, lasting only from December 2003 until July of 2004. They played a total of eight shows, and recorded as many songs. Within that brief span though, the band incorporated elements bands as varied as Joy Division, Black Flag, Nirvana, Refused, and Swing Kids, playing a style of punk that was mostly fast, but sometimes slow; sometimes heavy, and sometimes soft.

Almost immediately after recording the demo, original frontman Jered Grimes (New Radio, Ammunition, etc.) left the band for personal reasons. Tim Skirven (American Tourist, Savage Land, Dialogues, etc.) stepped in, allowing the band to continue playing. There is footage of several of these shows (as their farewell show, with Jered and Tim singing), so if people are into this, we'll work on uploading those as well.


Members went on to play in Moutheater, New Radio, No I Wouldn't Fuck Her, and Rose Hollow.

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